Sunrise Corner Economic Development


The Sunrise Corner Economic Development initiative was developed in 2016 as a partnership between the RMs of Piney and Stuartburn, with influence from the Piney Regional Chamber of Commerce, with a focus in tourism.

Monique Chenier, economic development officer, has managed the Sunrise Corner initiative since 2019, which includes: housing, business development, tourism, marketing and governance. Monique is the vice president of the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) and accreditation chair, supporting public relations professionals in their career development. Monique’s role is to promote the region for new residents and visitors, and to attract businesses to invest in the region through social media, marketing initiatives and attending local events.

Get in touch with Sunrise Corner:


Vassar, Piney, Manitoba, Canada

Contact Information

Vassar, Piney, Manitoba, Canada
Social Information
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